fredag 7. august 2009

This is what I would do to get toned as Tyler Durden

first of all Brad Pitt in Fight Club have overly developed Shoulders,Arms compare rest of his body.
His back,chest,legs,traps were heavily underdeveloped compared. He also had a extremly lean
six pack. First of all what you need to do, this is what i would do in the first place. is to do ALOT
of Cardio to burn alot of fat percentage down. And when your fairly slim I would begin with adding
muscles on the smallest musclegroups such as Shoulders,Biceps and through in Triceps with the Biceps. I actually would have skipped regular Benchpress with Barbell and gone for Dumbellpress
Decline & Incline. I would add some Elevated Push ups too and end with the Chest day with
Flyers. Do some regular Push ups just to tyne the last energy you have left.

For Brad Pitt to get those arm so DEFINED he did work his delta, to the arm ripped like you see
on the top of his arms. He did frontraises and sideraises do ripp them up real nice. And he also did
do some Arnoldpress with dumbells in the end for his shoulders. Basically in his program, it doesnt say Ab workouts but obvuisly considering his ripped ab six pack he did some ab excersising now and then. For arms I would definitly go for triceps extension lying on a bench
if you have, kickbacks is also great for triceps. Hammercurls and bicepscurls build biceps real
nice as well. THE KEY to build a body like Brad Pitt had in Fight Club that's low fat percentage.
And overly add muscles on your shoulders,arms. You seriusly don't need to put all your energy
into Chest & Back. I would do some back extensions,rows, some pull ups. For abs i would use
a bench to workout the lower abs specially. Incline leg lifts and Decline Crunchies would
do great. You can also do Plank excersises. If you do your ab training on the back day you can
rest through the weekend to build those muscles. But if you got some fat on you I would
start with massive kardio. When your rather skinny then start with the program. Many would say you should do differently but this did work for me at least. And the diet is extremly vital here. What he ate for breakfast is the same I do. Oatmeal and some eggs. I would make some
chicken and some salas for lunch as well. Post-workout a banana and a proteinshake, just a regular should do enough. Nothing uniq, and after-workout same as post-workout. And some
Fish or chicken with salad an hour or two after the workout is done. Some cottage cheese a couple of hours before you nap. And make sure to sleep at least 7 hours. You need to relax and rest your muscles for them to grow.

This were his program.

Day 1.Chest
Day 2.Back
Day 3.Shoulders
Day 4.Biceps/Triceps
Day 5.Kardio 60%-70%
Weekend off to build muscles and rest.